
万里旅行网 2023-08-08 12:10 编辑:admin 247阅读


据 " 中国铁路 " 微信公众号消息,渝厦高铁益阳至长沙段(简称 " 渝厦高铁益长段 ")将于 9 月 6 日开通运营,益阳至长沙的旅行时间将由原来的 70 分钟压缩至最快 31 分钟。







郑州东-濮阳东 G7928、G7984、G7986、G7990、G7992、G7996、G9102、G9104、G9106次;

濮阳东-郑州东 G7927、G7935、G7973、G7985、G7987、G7989、G7991、G7995、G9101、G9103、G9105次;

广州南-濮阳东 G1164次;

濮阳东-广州南 G1163次;

上海虹桥-濮阳东 G3252/3/2次;

濮阳东-上海虹桥 G3251/4/1次;

南阳东-濮阳东 G7952、G7972、G7974次;

濮阳东-南阳东 G7953、G7971、G7911次;

沈丘北-濮阳东 G6632、G6636、G6638次;

濮阳东-沈丘北 G6635、G6637、G6639次;…


没有 常州到溧阳的直达高铁,需要在南京转高铁火车,例如:D3064 常州 09:14 开,10:16 到 南京南G51 南京南10:59开,11:27 到 溧阳





1. 地铁


  • 线路1:从朝阳公园站乘坐地铁6号线,在东四十条站下车,然后换乘2号线,直达雍和宫站。从雍和宫站出来,您只需步行几分钟即可到达恭王府。
  • 线路2:从朝阳公园站乘坐地铁6号线,在东直门站下车,然后换乘2号线,直达雍和宫站。从雍和宫站出来,您只需步行几分钟即可到达恭王府。

2. 城市公交


  • 公交线路1:乘坐110路公交,在朝阳门外站下车。从那里,您只需步行几分钟即可到达恭王府。
  • 公交线路2:乘坐101路公交,在工人体育场西门站下车。然后,您需要步行大约10分钟才能到达恭王府。

3. 的士



  • 尽量避免在高峰时段出行,以免浪费时间在交通拥堵中。
  • 携带必要的现金和零钱以支付交通费用。
  • 如果您对北京的地理环境不熟悉,最好下载一个地图应用程序,在需要时查找相关地点。



Translation: html

From Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station to Gong Wang Fu

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today, I will introduce the transportation routes and the best ways to get from Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station to Gong Wang Fu. If you are planning to travel to Beijing and want to explore this ancient and charming royal architecture, Gong Wang Fu is a must-visit attraction.

Gong Wang Fu is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. It is an ancient palace built during the Qing Dynasty. With its long history and unique architectural style, it attracts many tourists to visit. For those travelers who want to go to Gong Wang Fu from Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station, here are several best transportation options:

1. Subway

If you prefer to take the subway, it is one of the most convenient ways. You can walk from Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station to the nearest subway station and then take the subway to Gong Wang Fu. You can choose the following two routes:

  • Route 1: Take Line 6 of the subway from Chaoyang Park Station and get off at Dongsi Shitiao Station. Then transfer to Line 2 and go directly to Yonghegong Lama Temple Station. From there, it is only a few minutes' walk to Gong Wang Fu.
  • Route 2: Take Line 6 of the subway from Chaoyang Park Station and get off at Dongzhimen Station. Then transfer to Line 2 and go directly to Yonghegong Lama Temple Station. From there, it is only a few minutes' walk to Gong Wang Fu.

2. City Bus

In addition to the subway, you can also choose to take the city bus to Gong Wang Fu. This is a more economical option and allows you to enjoy the urban scenery of Beijing. From Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station, you can take the following bus routes:

  • Bus Route 1: Take Bus 110 and get off at Chaoyangmenwai Station. From there, it is only a few minutes' walk to Gong Wang Fu.
  • Bus Route 2: Take Bus 101 and get off at the west gate of Workers' Stadium. Then, you need to walk for about 10 minutes to reach Gong Wang Fu.

3. Taxi

If you are familiar with the route or don't want to be crowded in public transportation, you can also choose to take a taxi to Gong Wang Fu. Make sure to choose a licensed taxi and use the meter. From Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station, inform the driver that you want to go to Gong Wang Fu, and they will take you directly to the destination.

Regardless of which transportation option you choose, I recommend planning ahead and checking the transportation routes. Beijing is a busy city, and the traffic situation may vary. Additionally, I would like to remind you of a few things:

  • Try to avoid traveling during peak hours to avoid wasting time in traffic congestion.
  • Carry necessary cash and change to pay for transportation fees.
  • If you are not familiar with the geographical environment of Beijing, it is best to download a map application to look up relevant locations when needed.

In conclusion, whether you choose the subway, city bus, or taxi, it is relatively convenient to travel from Beijing Chaoyang High-speed Railway Station to Gong Wang Fu. I hope this blog can help the travelers planning to visit Gong Wang Fu. Have a pleasant trip to Beijing!

Thank you for reading! If you have any other questions about traveling to Beijing, please leave a comment in the comment section, and I will do my best to answer.


C7221 益阳南 08:35 ---- 08:35 长沙 09:34

C7231 益阳南 10:13 ---- 10:13 长沙 11:20

G6565 益阳南 10:50 ---- 10:50 长沙 11:29

C7223 益阳南 11:14 ---- 11:14 长沙 12:13

G6521 益阳南 11:28 ---- 11:28 长沙 12:14

C7233 益阳南 13:00 ---- 13:00 长沙 14:02

C7225 益阳南 14:25 ---- 14:25 长沙 15:32

C7235 益阳南 16:22 ---- 16:22 长沙 17:29

G6577 益阳南 16:30 ---- 16:30 长沙 17:29

C7227 益阳南 17:08 ---- 17:08 长沙 18:10

C7237 益阳南 19:10 ---- 19:10 长沙 20:12

G6573 益阳南 19:10 ---- 19:10 长沙 19:49

C7239 益阳南 21:52 ---- 21:52 长沙 22:44

G6518 长沙 06:55 07:35 - 益阳南 07:35

G6517 益阳南 07:50 - 07:50 长沙 08:21

C7222 长沙 07:15 08:19 - 益阳南 08:19

G6564 长沙 07:48 08:28 - 益阳南 08:28

G6563 益阳南 08:45 - 08:45 长沙 09:24

G6520 长沙 08:40 09:28 - 益阳南 09:28

G6519 益阳南 09:43 - 09:43 长沙 10:22

C7232 长沙 08:55 09:59 - 益阳南 09:59

G6566 长沙 09:45 10:32 - 益阳南 10:32

C7224 长沙 09:51 10:55 - 益阳南 10:55

G6522 长沙 10:40 11:12 - 益阳南 11:12

G6568 长沙 11:47 12:34 - 益阳南 12:34

C7234 长沙 11:38 12:42 - 益阳南 12:42

G6567 益阳南 12:50 - 12:50 长沙 13:29

G6524 长沙 12:30 13:10 - 益阳南 13:10

G6523 益阳南 13:25 - 13:25 长沙 14:04

C7226 长沙 12:30 13:34 - 益阳南 13:34

G6570 长沙 13:50 14:30 - 益阳南 14:30

G6569 益阳南 14:52 - 14:52 长沙 15:31

G6544 长沙 14:20 15:08 - 益阳南 15:08

G6578 长沙 14:20 15:21 - 益阳南 15:21

C7236 长沙 14:20 15:29 - 益阳南 15:29

G6543 益阳南 15:33 - 15:33 长沙 16:19

G6572 长沙 15:50 16:37 - 益阳南 16:37

C7228 长沙 15:47 16:51 - 益阳南 16:51

G6571 益阳南 17:10 - 17:10 长沙 17:56

G6546 长沙 16:40 17:20 - 益阳南 17:20

G6545 益阳南 17:50 - 17:50 长沙 18:29

G6590 长沙 17:47 18:41 - 益阳南 18:41

C7238 长沙 17:47 18:51 - 益阳南 18:51

G6574 长沙 18:15 18:55 - 益阳南 18:55

G6589 益阳南 19:21 - 19:21 长沙 20:13

G6548 长沙 18:50 19:22 - 益阳南 19:22

C7230 长沙 18:27 19:31 - 益阳南 19:31

G6547 益阳南 19:45 - 19:45 长沙 20:24

C7229 益阳南 19:54 - 19:54 长沙 20:56

G6576 长沙 20:05 20:45 - 益阳南 20:45

G6575 益阳南 21:00 - 21:00 长沙 21:35

G6550 长沙 20:40 21:20 - 益阳南 21:20

G6592 长沙 20:30 21:24 - 益阳南 21:24

C7240 长沙 20:30 21:34 - 益阳南 21:34

G6549 益阳南 21:35 - 21:35 长沙 22:14

G6591 益阳南 22:02 - 22:02 长沙 22:




丹阳站到丹阳北站坐丹阳9路公交丹阳9路市区线路火车站北广场7:40-16:45高铁北站8:40-17:30 票价1元 去程:火车站北广场-东方商城-丹阳农商银行-华昌站-热电厂-荆林中学-荆村桥-下社村-邹介村-三城巷-华莱士公司-前艾中学-前艾卫生院-站前路-前艾村-高铁北站(16站) 回程:高铁北站-前艾村-站前路-前艾卫生院-前艾中学-华莱士公司-三城巷-邹介村-下社村-荆村桥-荆林中学-热电厂-华昌站-丹阳农商银行-东方商城-火车站北广场(16站)打车约25元路线:全程约9.7公里起点:丹阳站1.从起点向东南方向出发,沿天禄路行驶180米,过左侧的广胜大厦,左转进入九曲路2.沿九曲路行驶450米,左前方转弯进入玉泉路3.沿玉泉路行驶1.0公里,右转进入丹桂路4.沿丹桂路行驶6.3公里,右转进入站前大道5.沿站前大道行驶1.3公里,左转6.行驶90米,左前方转弯7.行驶220米,到达终点(在道路右侧)终点:丹阳北站




