
113 2024-09-19 18:18


1. First of all, you need to prepare the ingredients and tools for cooking.

      2. Then, wash your hands and clean the ingredients thoroughly. 

      3. Cut the ingredients into appropriate sizes.

      4. Heat the pan with oil or butter.

      5. Add the main ingredients and stir-fry for a while.

     6. Add the seasonings and mix evenly.

     7. Add water or broth.

     8. Cover the lid and let it cook for a while.

      9. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

     10. Sample the food to adjust the seasoning.

     11. Finally, turn off the heat and serve.


My View on Clone

With the repid development of technology,clone comes to the world.It can duplicate creature,which means it can make contribution to the production.

People can pay a little and get a lot in the end.However,it also has disavantages.I think as the development of the high-tech,people can use clone to

copy humen beings.It’s so horrible for me to know that there is someone the same with me.But in general,clone has more advantages than disadvantages.


Invitation Letter for Beijing Tourism因为在英语中,“邀请函”通常被称为“Invitation Letter”,而“Beijing Tourism”则指北京旅游,因此将两者合在一起,简单明了地表达是“Invitation Letter for Beijing Tourism”。在编写邀请函时,需要说明时间、地点、参加人员、活动安排等重要信息,同时还要用礼貌、简洁的语言表达诚挚的邀请,并注意格式和字体等细节问题。同时要注意,如果需要签证,邀请函也应满足该国签证官的要求。


你可以用I have a dream 作为开头,然后把北京的名胜古迹都介绍一遍。要有主线和逻辑,可以以时间为主线,也可以事件为主线。




1. 播种



2. 幼苗期



3. 生长期



4. 成熟期







Slightly Fried Dumpling with Pork



500 grams (1.1 lb) wheat flour

250 grams (0.55 lb) minced pork

5 grams (5/6 tsp) salt

5 grams (1 tsp) sugar

5 grams (1 1/4 tsp) MSG

10 grams (1 1/2 tsp) soy sauce

15 grams (1 tbsp) cooking wine

5 grams (1/6 oz) finely cut scallions

5 grams (1/6 oz) chopped ginger

150 grams (12 tbsp) cooking oil 1.Mix the minced pork well with the salt,sugar,MSG,soy sauce,cooking wine,scallions and ginger.Add 50 g (3 tbsp) of water and stir in one direction till you feel the sense of elasticity.

2.Mix the flour with 200 g (2/5 cup) of boiling water,make the dough into long and round shape and reduce to 40 pieces.Press and roll into wrappings each about 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) in diameter.Put in the filling,fold and wrap into crescent shapes. 3.Put the cooking oil into the frying pan,heat and when the oil is about 135-200ºC (275-390ºF),place the raw dumplings in.Heat for one minute,sprinkle 100 g (6 tbsp) of water and put on the pan cover.Use strong fire to heat five minutes.When the water disappears,the dumplings are ready.(It may take several repetitions to cook all the 40 dumplings because of the size of the pan.)

Features:Beautiful to look at and delicious to eat.

Taste:Salty and tasty.


Sure! Let me introduce the process of making fruit juice.

1. Selecting and Preparing the Fruit:

   - Choose fresh and ripe fruits with a good flavor. Popular fruit choices for juice include oranges, apples, grapes, strawberries, and watermelons.

   - Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides.

   - Peel and remove seeds, if necessary, depending on the fruit.

2. Extracting the Juice:

   - Cut the fruits into small pieces or slices.

   - Use a blender, juicer, or citrus press to extract the juice.

   - For citrus fruits like oranges, cut them in half and squeeze the juice using a citrus juicer or by hand.

3. Straining the Juice (Optional):

   - If you prefer a smoother texture, strain the juice through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any pulp or solids.

4. Flavoring and Sweetening (Optional):

   - For added flavor, you can mix different fruits together or add a splash of lemon or lime juice.

   - If desired, sweeten the juice by adding sugar, honey, or any other sweetener of your choice. Adjust the sweetness to your taste.

5. Chilling and Serving:

   - Refrigerate the juice for a few hours to cool it down.

   - Serve the juice in a glass or a pitcher over ice cubes.

   - Optionally, garnish with fresh fruit slices, mint leaves, or a colorful straw.

That's it! Enjoy your freshly made fruit juice!


The process of the moon's changes can be described as follows: The moon orbits the Earth, and as it does so, different parts of it become illuminated by the sun. 

Over the course of a month, we see the moon go through different phases, starting with a new moon, which is when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun and is not visible to us. As the moon continues to orbit the Earth, more of it becomes illuminated, and we see it grow into a crescent shape. This is known as a waxing crescent.

 As the moon continues to move, it becomes a first-quarter moon, then a waxing gibbous, and finally a full moon. After the full moon, the illuminated portion of the moon begins to decrease, leading to a waning gibbous, a third-quarter moon, and finally a waning crescent, until it is back to a new moon.


Here is an example of introducing the process of cooking a dish in English:

I'd like to share my cooking process with you today. Today, I'm cooking a classic Chinese dish, Kung Pao Chicken. Here are the steps:

1. Prepare the chicken. Cut it into small cubes, marinate it with soy sauce, cooking wine, and cornstarch.

2. Cut the vegetables. I use diced red bell peppers, green onions, and sliced garlic.

3. Heat up the wok (a pan) and add the oil. Once the oil is heated, add the chicken and stir until it's cooked through. 

4. Add the vegetables to the pan and stir for a minute or two. Then, add the sauce I made with soy sauce, vinegar, a little sugar, and water.

5. Finally, add some peanuts and give it a quick stir. 

6. Your Kung Pao chicken is ready to serve.

That's the process I usually follow. I hope you find this helpful.



How to make a model planeI like to make modle plane.First,I collect some paper nad sticks.Then,I use scissors to cut the paper into a plane.After that,I stick the paper and stick together.Finally,the plane is finished and it is very cool.
