
万里旅行网 2023-08-05 05:47 编辑:yyns 219阅读

有一些名词,末尾加 e 后就成为动词,数量不多,但也是构词法的一种:

①bath n. 洗澡 [bɑ:θ]

bathe v. 洗澡 [beð]

You can take a hot bath before going to bed.

Most of the people bathe every day.

②breath n. 呼吸 [brɛθ]

breathe v. 呼吸 [brið]

He took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs.

Hold your breath for a while, then slowly breathe out.

③wreath n. 花环, 花冠,花圈 [ri:θ]

wreathe v. 用花环装饰,编花环 [ri:ð]

The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial. 女王向战争纪念碑献花环

The girls chose flowers to wreathe themselves.

④sheath n. 鞘, 护套, 外壳 [ʃiθ]

sheathe v. 将(刀剑)入鞘, 将..包裹 [ʃið]

He drew his sword from its sheath.

He sheathed his knife. 刀入鞘

Trees, sheathed in ice, glittered in the sun. 树裹着冰霜在阳光下闪闪发光

⑤cloth n. 布 [klɔ:θ]

clothe v. 穿衣服 [kləʊð]

They clothe their children in the latest fashions.

She was on her own with two kids to feed and clothe.

⑥clon n. 克隆, 无性繁殖 [k'lən]

clone v. 克隆,使无性繁殖 [kləʊn]

clon stem cell 克隆干细胞

The idea to clone extinct life still belongs to science fiction. 克隆灭绝生物的想法仍只限于科幻小说中

⑦swath n. 长而宽的一长条

swathe v. 用布条裹,缠

The tornado cut a wide swath through the town.

His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.
